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Orwa Nyrabia

Orwa Nyrabia, Artistic Director of IDFA.

Søndag 24. september 2023
på Vega Scene
Kl. 16:00 - 18:00

Masahat festival 2023:

Samtale: Dekolonisering av dokumentarfilmen.

Med Orwa Nyrabia, kunstnerisk leder for Den internasjonale dokumentarfilmfestivalen i Amsterdam (IDFA).

Samtalen vil foregå på engelsk. Det blir servering av fingermat inkludert i billettprisen.

Decolonizing the Gaze.
A conversation with Orwa Nyrabia, moderated by Anne Szefer-Karlsen.

Decolonizing the documentary has been a recurring theme at IDFA, the world’s largest documentary film festival, since Orwa Nyrabia became the Artistic Director in 2018. Under his leadership, the festival has been tackling the difficult questions of representation, equity and inclusion.

Who has the power to represent and narrate? How can arts and cultural institutions challenge hegemonic powers, amplify marginalized voices and foster a more equitable and representative cultural landscape?

In this conversation, we ask Orwa Nyrabia to talk about his experience and vision leading IDFA. Afterwards, he will be joined by Anne Szefer-Karlsen to continue the discussion on the critical role major festivals and established cultural institutions can play in reshaping the cultural narrative, acknowledging historical injustices, and embracing diversity and inclusion.

This event was made in collaboration with Masahat, Mirage, Human IDFF and Fritt Ord.

The event was part of Masahat festival.

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Oslo Dokumentarkino

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