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bedraget i helmand  plakat
Min fiendes fiende - Bedraget i Helmand (Winning Hearts and Minds)
Martin Tamm Andersen, Nagieb Khaja, Danmark 2023, 80 min

Filmen er tekstet på engelsk

bedraget i helmand  bilde

Bedraget i Helmand  bilde

bilde av panelet

Tirsdag 29. oktober 2024 kl. 17:45
på Vega Scene

I samarbeid med:

Afghanistankomiteen logo

Hjelp eller svik? Hva var egentlig Norges bidrag til det afghanske samfunnet?

Film og samtale.

Film: Min fiendes fiende - Bedraget i Helmand

Filmen Min fiendes fiende - Bedraget i Helmand hevder at danske militære styrker i Helmand-provinsen i Afghanistan samarbeidet med en korrupt politistyrke som undertrykket innbyggerne i regionen, misbrukte unge gutter seksuelt og benyttet posisjonen til å drive utstrakt opiumshandel.

Filmen er en knusende kritikk av danske og britiske styrker i Afghanistan. Var danskene naive hjelpere som ikke skjønte hva som foregikk eller visste de hva de var med på, men brydde seg ikke?

Var NATOs oppdrag i Afghanistan noengang rettet mot å skape et demokrati i Afghanistan? Eller var dette bare retorikk for å holde styrkene der?

Samtale etter filmen:

Beskyldningene i filmen Min fiendes fiende - Bedraget i Helmand føyer seg inn i en lang rekke av saker der det har blitt dokumentert overtramp fra internasjonale styrker i Afghanistan.

Vet vi nok om hva norske militære visste og kan ha bidratt til? Hvilke spørsmål vil egentlig bli undersøkt i den nye evalueringen av Norges innsats i Afghanistan og har den forrige evalueringen blitt fulgt opp slik man forventet?

Debatt etter filmen med:

Martin Tamm Andersen
Graeme Smith
(International Crisis Group) og
Kristian Berg Harpviken
Ordstyrer: Stig Arild Pettersen.

NB: Samtalen holdes på engelsk.

Kjøp billetter

Se trailer av Min fiendes fiende - Bedraget i Helmand (Winning Hearts and Minds):

More about the topic. The debate will be in English.

Assistance or betrayal?

What remains to be examined regarding Norway’s Afghanistan engagement.

In August 2021 Western forces left Afghanistan following twenty years of military, political, and civil society presence. The departure, although sped up by the victory of the Taliban over the Afghan military, was settled in the February 2020 agreement between the United States of America and the Taliban. The agreement specified not only the U.S. military withdrawal, but that of all foreign forces from Afghanistan.

In 2016, a commission led by Bjørn Tore Godal presented their evaluation of the Norwegian engagement in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2014. Their conclusion was that Norway had failed to contribute to meet the goal of contributing to a stable and democratic Afghan state but had succeeded in being a good ally for the U.S. and NATO.

The documentary Min fiendes fiende: Bedragene i Helmand investigates allegations of Afghan police abusing young boys and men in Helmand province. These events took place during a period when Danish and British forces were present. In 2006, troops from Denmark and the UK were sent to Musa Qala, a town in northern Helmand, with the mission of defending local police forces against Taliban insurgents. On the surface, the local police force appeared to lead the West’s efforts to promote democracy and human rights following the fall of the Taliban. In reality, however, they operated as a violent, corrupt, and abusive drug cartel.

While both Danish and American authorities have publicly evaluated and debated the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Norway's approach has been markedly different. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, and the Ministry of Justice have all kept their internal evaluations secret, keeping the matter firmly off the public radar.

Earlier this year, it was decided that the Norwegian government will evaluate the last part of Norway's involvement in Afghanistan and the dramatic withdrawal from the country in 2021. What are the most pressing questions to be addressed by the new evaluation? Has the question of Norwegian collaboration with the Afghan security forces, widely known for abusive practice, been sufficiently examined? And what about Norwegian peace diplomacy and support for human right defenders? Should any of the conclusions of the 2016 Godal report be revisited?

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